Truth commissions building states: Lessons from Africa

In 2023, McGill-Queen’s University Press released a major contribution to the study of truth and reconciliation. Truth Commissions and State Building discusses the role of truth commissions in constructing stable, democratic countries in often fragile contexts. Below is the text of a talk at the book launch, held at McMaster University, by David Webster.  Truth… More Truth commissions building states: Lessons from Africa

The Solomon Islands “Ethnic Tension” Conflict and the Solomon Islands Truth and Reconciliation Commission: A Personal Reflection

By Terry Brown To date there has been only one truth commission in Melanesia, in Solomon Islands. This was a mixed national-international commission, struck after an internal conflict within the country. At the time of the conflict, Canadian Anglican Terry Brown was the bishop of Malaita, a diocese of the Church of Melanesia. His chapter recounts… More The Solomon Islands “Ethnic Tension” Conflict and the Solomon Islands Truth and Reconciliation Commission: A Personal Reflection

Vérité et Réconciliation en Asie du Sud-Est: quelles leçons pour le Canada ?

Vérité et Réconciliation en Asie du Sud-Est: quelles leçons pour le Canada ? Un monument à la mémoire des victimes de la guerre du Timor-Leste. Le Canada a beaucoup à apprendre de deux Commissions de vérité et réconciliation (CVR) qui se sont tenues en Asie, et non seulement des leçons à enseigner aux autres. Auteur… More Vérité et Réconciliation en Asie du Sud-Est: quelles leçons pour le Canada ?

Now in Open Access: Flowers in the Wall

Flowers in the Wall: Truth and Reconciliation in Timor-Leste, Indonesia and Melanesia is now available for free Open Access download, thanks to University of Calgary Press. Click to access downloadable pdf version What is the experience of truth and reconciliation? What is the purpose of a truth commission? What lessons can be learned from established truth and… More Now in Open Access: Flowers in the Wall

Pathways to Peace

By April Ingham Executive director, Pacific Peoples’ Partnership In the thick of conflict, a cycle of seemingly endless horror and injustice can occur.  Amid this darkness the faintest crack of light… can bring the courage, hope and action needed to release the pendulum effect, whereby the spiral downwards into chaos can eventually right itself and… More Pathways to Peace