
Truth and reconciliation in Timor-Leste

Chega + 10 is a valuable web site compiling resources on truth and reconciliation in Timor-Leste, 10 years after the Chega! report

The Chega report and other documents are available on the web site of the Timor-Leste Commission for Reception, Truth, and Reconciliation (CAVR)

Recommendations of the Chega report include some useful recommendations directed at the international community. Recommendations also available via ETAN/US.

La’o Hamutuk shares extensive information and publications on the campaign for justice and accountability in its international crimes section.

Truth commissions – general resources

USIP Truth Commissions Digital Collection

O. Bakinur, Truth Commissions (2016) – limited preview on google books

International Center for Transitional Justice – Can Truth Commissions Strengthen Peace Processes? 

Truth commissions in the Asia Pacific 

Research summaries by Nicholas Chlumecky

Truth and reconciliation in Canada

Research by Cynthia Dawn Roy on media coverage of TRC Canada interim report, May-June 2015

Links to key sources

Truth and Reconciliation Canada, national truth commission on residential schools

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation 

Project of Heart


Residential schools teaching resources


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