Residential Schools in Canada

By Ann C. Macaulay CM MD FCFP FCAHS FRCPC (Hon) Family Physician in Kahnawá:ke, Quebec and Professor of Family Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Canada One of the dark chapters of Canadian history is that of the Residential Schools. These schools were started by the Canadian government in the 1800’s to forcibly remove young Indigenous children… More Residential Schools in Canada

Open letter to the president of Indonesia, from a victim and survivor

This open letter by Cris Carrascalão was originally published on facebook and is reprinted here from the East Timor and Indonesia Action Network mailing list. In it, the author speaks about her own family’s experience and the Indonesian president’s decision to honour a militia leader convicted of crimes against humanity by awarding him with one… More Open letter to the president of Indonesia, from a victim and survivor