Ten years since the Indonesia/ Timor-Leste Commission on Truth and Friendship II: Asia Justice and Rights

Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR), based in Indonesia, is one of the key organizations carrying forward the work of “socializing” truth commission reports and recommendations. Part of a network of groups linked to the International Center for Transitional Justice, it works to disseminate, popularize and push for implementation of truth and reconciliation. Its infographic marking ten years since the Indonesia/Timor-Leste Commission on Truth and Friendship is just one example of the group’s work, which also features a dedicated web site on truth and reconciliation in Timor-Leste centred on the Timorese truth commission report Chega!


For more information:

Asia Justice and Rights infographic post and background

AJAR home page

AJAR on the Indonesia/Timor-Leste Commission on Truth and Friendship

AJAR’s web site on Chega!, the Timorese truth commission

The full text of the Indonesia/Timor-Leste Commission on Truth and Friendship report, “Per Memoriam ad Spem”: CTF-report-English-Version

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